And since being creative apparently qualifies me to distribute awards to others, here goes.
As soon as I got this I knew I had to pass it along to Brillig at 'Twas Brillig since I look forward to her Soap Opera Sundays every week, so if you haven't been over there, off you go.
And when it comes to creativity, how can I not give one to Jenny at Absolutely Bananas? I mean come on, she's like a dozen creative women rolled into one and then photoshopped back onto their individual bodies. Or something like that.
I would also like to present this award to Heather, The Queen of Shake-Shake, who manages to write about the kinds of things I try to make my children stop talking about at the dinner table and always makes it funny and entertaining.
There are so many other bloggers who I love, love, love - and I wouldn't love you so much if you weren't creative - but since I can't choose you all, I have to leave it there.
You rock. Thank you thank you thank you! And your speech about WHY I deserve this reward was hilarious... which only proves that you do deserve the bling!
Glad you like the award!!!
Darn that Jennifer nominating you before I got a chance to. You deserve it - and I think your acceptance was quite graceful.
Wow! Thanks for the award! If I could, I'd turn around and just re-award you with it!!
Congratulations! And I thought your acceptance of it was very graceful. Now I'm going to have to check out this Soap Opera Sunday thing...
Thank you Nell! I do lurve me some fart humor and if you think that's creative, I'll take your word for it.
I love your story of mummified Barbies.
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