The girls requested peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for dinner. It was only five-thirty. It only took me five minutes to make them. By seven I had both girls tucked in bed reading quietly and I had started an actual nice dinner for myself and Steve, who would be home in half an hour.

While I was cooking dinner I went into super-mom mode and picked up the day's debris and got out the vacuum. It was the vacuum - in combination with sex on the brain - that did it. But actually, I think about sex a lot, so it was mostly the vacuum. It's a very sexy vacuum.
With only five minutes until Steve arrived home from work I leaped through the mystic time portal (did I mention the mystic time portal?) and arrived safe and sound in 1953. I quick changed into a soft velvet dress and a new pair of heels, poured Steve a drink, and set the table.
Upon arriving home, Steve didn't immediately realize what was happening. After a single appraising glance he set down his things and asked wearily, "Where are you going?"
Once he caught on, it didn't take him long to get into character. And once that happened it didn't take me long to set the mood for the future. As we sat eating our grown-up dinner, I gazed across the table at him. "What're you thinking about?" I asked, and immediately realized what a foolish question it was. "Never mind. Just don't get too used to it."
ha HA. You'd better be VERY CAREFUL when re-enacting 1953 good wife fantasies. Very, very careful.
If I do something like that once around here hubby will pout every night for a month because I'm not doing it again!
And just how do you manage to get your kids in bed by seven? Share, please?
Whoa....who hit you over the head with the June Cleaver stick?
I'm impressed!
You saucy little thing...
Ah yes, the romance of 1953! Hope you had fun *wink, wink*!
My husband would be in absolute bliss if he were to come home to such a scene. Usually, he's greeted by naked, screaming children and a sweating, disheveled wife. And the smell of something burning ...
He's supposed to be the one with the vacuum...
I hope you had fun, you naughty girl.
I wish mu husband would do that for ME when I get home...
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