The string bikinis and glittery mini skirts are bad enough without you elbowing your way into the shoe market as well. See, the thing is this. High heels

Not only do the clothes and toys that you push fuck with their sense of who they are as girls and who they will grow to be as women, but now you want them to develop scoliosis? Seriously.
Oddly enough in most cases it has not been the style of the shoes that has pissed me off, just the fact that they have a heel. Just hack the heels off the shoes and my beef with you will diminish considerably.

Maybe you don't understand. My daughter is five. She does not need high heels. The other girls her age don't care what she is wearing on her feet and the boys are too busy with whatever it is that they do to care either. She's not trying to impress anyone and she sure as hell doesn't need to pretend she's taller than she is, because, come on, she's five, being short is just the way things are. Why, I bet even you were short when you were five.

So while I realize that my opinion might not count for much with you people, since I'm not a customer of yours, I'd still really appreciate it if you'd do me a favor and back the fuck off. At least when it comes to the shoes. I'm not going to start buying my two year old string bikinis, but if you just do me this one teensy weensy little favor, I promise not to use my really loud oh-my-fucking-god-can-you-believe-they-are-trying-to-sell-us-this-shit voice the next time I am shopping in one of your aisles.
Thank you in advance for your thoughtful consideration of this matter.
ha ha ha! it's so true. I can't believe half the clothes I see that are designed for little girls. It's sick.
I was buying Elle a pair of sandals and nearly every pair in the store had heels on them. She's only 18 months old! I had to really search for a paor of toddler sandals that didn't have a heel on them. What's even worse is that I see little girls wearing this stuff all the time. I'll be honest, I really judge anyone who buys their baby or toddler hooker wear.
I'm thinking judgment is entirely appropriate in these cases.
I'm glad I have boys!
Seriously, what is wrong with kellogg's and clothes mfgs?
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