Excellent timing, Blue Momma! And although you have asked those Rockin' Bloggers you nominated to say a little something about what makes a Rockin' Blogger, your list is pretty hard to beat. So I'm going to suggest that all of my readers hop on over there and check it out, and when you come back, I'll tell you who I think meets all of those standards.
And actually, there are a lot of you. Of course there are the bloggers who I have already established as rocking, and now we have Jennifer from Playgroups are No Place for Children, who completely rocks because she has two babies (I know, I know, Carson's big, but still, he's little) and manages to tough it out every day, and still share her parenting adventures with humor and wit.
Megan, from Velveteen Mind, whose last post made me cry and I am so glad that she is taking the time that she needs, because really, if all of us could just do that, the children of the world would be better off.
Jenn, at Bucolic Scribblings, who lives so far in the country that even though I am living in the country myself I get jealous of the country life when I read it the way she writes it.
And finally for Kristi, from Here in Idaho, who probably doesn't know who I am, but is one of the funniest bloggers I have ever read. Go, go right now and read all about how she has driven her children away.
And since I know that some of you have already received this award from other

Excellent picks, Nell. We have the same taste in reads - Jennifer and Megan are two of my favorites and Kristi makes milk come out of my nose.
And the new blog bling is hysterical. Love it!
Great picks! and I LOVE the new button!
Thank you for the cool new bling! I LOVE it! I envy those who can make those buttons. You gotz skillz!
LOVE the blog bling!!!! Must put it on right now! Thanks Nell!
HEY THANKS!!!! I love the linky love. And now I'm going to spend a little time reading up on your blog.
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